
Will plastic molds be affected by temperature during processing?


Plastic mold temperature is an important part of inject […]

Plastic mold temperature is an important part of injection molding. If the temperature of the plastic mold is well controlled, the processed product will be a good product; and if the temperature of the plastic mold is not well controlled, the processed product may be scrapped.
So, what effect does the temperature of the plastic mold have on the processed product?
1. The temperature of the plastic mold will decrease the standard accuracy of the product, and the qualification rate of the product will decrease.
2. The temperature difference between the mold core and the cavity is too large, and the plastic parts are shortened unevenly, which causes the tortuous deformation of the product and affects the appearance of the part.
3. If the temperature of the plastic mold is too high, the product will be deformed during the demolding process and after demolding, which will reduce the shape and standard accuracy.
4. Regarding certain crystalline plastics, the use of plastic molds at high temperatures is beneficial to the crystallization process and prevents standard seizures during storage or application.
5. Regarding plastic flexible plastics, the use of plastic molds can lower the molding shortening rate, improve the standard precision of parts, shorten the molding cycle, and improve production efficiency.
6. When the plastic mold is filled at a low temperature, if the melt speed is not high enough, the internal stress of the product increases, which may cause warping deformation or cracking, especially for some high-viscosity plastics.
7. The temperature of the plastic mold will decrease the fluidity of the plastic melt, making the parts unclear, or even filling the mold, or in the process of filling the mold, because of the excessive temperature drop of the melt front, the obvious cold joints will occur. The mechanical properties of the product are degraded. Too low a plastic mold temperature will also make the surface of the product not smooth and cause various surface defects.